Hi there!

Photo by Meiry of Flânerie Photo.

Photo by Meiry of Flânerie Photo.

I'm Bruna Camargo (she/her). Brazilian-raised, Michigan-based cat mom and lifestyle photographer. I live in Metro Detroit with my partner and our catto, Leon. I’m passionate about inclusivity and support all loving relationships, and photographing people from diverse backgrounds.

Ever since I can remember, I found great joy in turning the many hilarious, emotional, unforgettable and oh-so-sweet life moments into neat little stories we like to call photographs. And that’s what I strive for:


In a session with me, you and your family can just relax and have a good time, knowing that I’ll get “it” for you: a first kiss, that big belly laugh, a first step, a tearful look... fleeting moments that become stronger memories as treasured images.

So let’s spend a couple hours together! I’d love to get to know you, and turn all your favorite moments into stories. I'm so looking forward to hearing from you.

When I’m not shooting photography, you can find me working as a social media strategist and content creator for Detroit big three automotive brands. I earned my degree from College for Creative Studies in Advertising Design and Photography. I’m a design and social media nerd at heart, and will always be able to fill you in on the latest memes and TikTok trends (just don’t ask me to do any dances 🤣).

My native language is Portuguese (e eu atendo em Português!), my favorite food is pasta and I can lose an entire afternoon getting lost inside movies. My first job was as a gymnastics coach for kiddos—which explains why I’m pretty good at getting them to feel super comfy during sessions. Oh and if you bring a dog to a shoot, you automatically become my favorite client ever!

Meet Bruna: